Help Others Restore Integrity
Help Others Restore Integrity 1 minute read

How much free porn is online?

Last Updated: March 26, 2024

Kirk Doran, Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Notre Dame, recently released a paper draft, “The Economics of Pornography.” Here are some of the highlights:

  • There are at least 40,634 websites that distribute pornographic material on the Internet.
  • About 11% of all internet visits are to one of these sites.
  • About 14% of the online population in America visits these sites (17 million Americans), spending on average 6.5 minutes per visit.
  • About 80% to 90% of these people only access free pornographic material. This free material consists of samples of the pay material, illegally copied versions of the pay material, and amateur material.
  • The remaining 3 million Americans who pay for internet pornography pay about $61 per month.
  • This generates $2.5 billion in annual revenues for the Internet pornography industry
  • Consumption of pornography is spread unevenly according to gender, age, marital status, and religion, and has no clear relationship with education or income.

  1. Janet Shoffmer

    I think it’s really disgusting that anybody can get on internet watch pornography and learn how to kill somebody or make explosives .and especially for anybody to watch a child molested is quite sick deranged in the just made me sick to see how much is on here .I didn’t think it would be that easy .but heard on news it was a demand .people who especially abuse a child has a special space in hell for them .I just wanted to see but didn’t go to websites .so why aren’t the police going after these people. No I’ll tell you they go after somebody homeless or loitering and leave these people alone if they would clean that up but the police is a money racket business to just like court and the justice system if there was no crime the police couldn’t make money which everybody in the law workplace is above the law .they tell us how to live and they do the same nobody has ever kept the law.i don’t go around planning to break the laws but there made up for the poor also all the police do is rob the poor oh I’m sure it’s going to be a lot of people who will deny it of course that’s there bread and butter .but al ye workers of inquty will burn in hell. You don’t do a job just for money you take a stand for what’s right and belive me it’s consequences for living right .the God over all says the righteous will be put down lied on and look like the crooks .it’s been this since 1000 years the wealth live good and rob the poor to live good I would rather live in a shack than to go to hell for serving money anything I get comes from God .but what gets me the police don’t target and go looking in these people’s dirty laundry cause Satan has got them already doing evil you will die one day and it’s either heaven or hell. And you can’t take your possessions with you .

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